Admission and Registration
Our Master's Program in Mathematics and Applications is aimed at students who have obtained an undergraduate degree in Mathematics in Spain (either the current 4-year degree or the 5-year licenciate degree in the past, or alternatively an equivalent title at a foreign university that entitles them to access a Graduate Program in their own countries). Those who have other higher education degrees in areas related to Mathematics such as Physics, Engineering, etc. can also apply for admission.
The interested persons should file their application exclusively with the Center for Graduate Studies (CEP) of the UAM, never directly to the Department or the Program Coordinator. The requirements for admission and the corresponding procedure can be found at the following web site:
If admitted (regardless of the level, M1 or M2), the student must enrol in the Program before the beginning of the corresponding academic year (that is, admissions will no longer be valid for the following year. Related information can be found at the following site:
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Admission to the Double Master's Program in Mathematics and Engineering (Computer Science and Telecommunication)
The students who wish to study both Master's Programs simultaneously should do the following:
- Apply for admission throught the Center for Graduate Studies (CEP) separately for each Master before the official deadlines, indicating that they want to study the joint program.
- Fill out the joint admission form (WORD, PDF). For this they should have the endorsement of one professor of the official Graduate Program in Mathematics and Applications and another in Computer Science and Telecommunication Engineering who will be committed to be the student's adviser if he or she gets admitted. The students should also enclose a proposal for a topic of their Master's Thesis endorsed by both professors in order to guarantee that such work will adapt to the formal requirements of both programs. This document should be submitted to CEP. (This requirement may change from 2018-19 on in view of the new rules that will require two different Master's Theses in general.)
- The coordinators in charge of each Master will decide on the selection of the candidates. The students admitted will be authorized to study both programs simultaneously according to the rules of the UAM and should enrol in both programs on time.
Joint Master's Program UAM-Paris Dauphine: selection and tutoring process
- UAM will publish an annual advertisement within the admission's deadlines. The students should indicate their situation and their intention to pursue a joint program in their application to our Master's Program. The Department Graduate Committee will decide on the admission of up to 5 students, typically during the month of September. The selection criteria will take into account the academic record and the knowledge of French of each candidate.
- UP-D will also publish an annual ad. The people in charge of the area of the Master at UP-D will also select up to 5 students. The selection criteria will take into account the academic record and the knowledge of Spanish of each candidate.
- Each student selected by the two Universities will be assigned two academic advisors (one from each university) who will decide on the credits and courses to be taken and will be in charge of following the academic results and activities of the candidates.