Difusión no lineal en Madrid
Seminario conjunto de las universidades: UAM, UC3M, UCM, UPM y URJC
Propagation, diffusion and free boundaries
Prof. Yihong Du
Jueves 11 de enero de 2018, 11:30
Seminario del Departamento de Matemáticas, aula C-17-520
Resumen. In this talk I will discuss some of the mathematical theories on parabolic equations motivated by the desire of providing better models for various propagation phenomena. I will start by recalling briefly classical works of Fisher, Kolmogorov-Petrovski-Piskunov and Skellam; then I will present some recent results on models with free boundaries and compare them with classical results of Aronson-Weinberger and others; finally I will discuss the extensions of the theories (initially established in homogeneous media) to heterogeneous media.
Organizado por los proyectos: MTM2014-52240-P, MTM2014-53037-P y Fundación BBVA para Investigadores y Creadores Culturales 2016
Comité organizador: Matteo Bonforte, Mar González, Arturo de Pablo y Fernando Quirós