Seminar Nonlinear Diffusion in Madrid (double session)
When: On 26/04/2019 at 12:30 (M. Gonzalez) and 13:30 (I. Chlebicka)
Where: Room Aula 520 of the Mathematics Department of UAM.
Speakers and Titles
Maria del Mar Gonzalez (at 12:30)
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
Non-local ODE, conformal geometry and applications
Iwona Chlebicka (Skrzypczak) (at 13:30)
University of Warsaw, Poland
Renormalized solutions for parabolic problems with strongly nonstandard growth
See the pdf in attach for further details.
Localización When: On 26/04/2019 at 12:30 (M. Gonzalez) and 13:30 (I. Chlebicka) Where: Room Aula 520 of the Mathematics Department