Seminario de Álgebra Conmutativa, Geometría Algebraica y Geometría Aritmética
Miércoles 6 de noviembre a las 14:00 en el aula 520 del módulo 17
Conferenciante: Rodica Dinu (Universidad de Bucarest)
Título: Gorenstein t-spread Veronese algebras
Resumen: The concept of t-spread monomials was introduced by Ene, Herzog and Qureshi, in 2018. We consider the toric algebra generated by all t-spread monomials of degree d, in n variables, which is called the t-spread Veronese algebra. This generalizes the classical (squarefree)Veronese algebra. The aim of this talk is to present a characterization for the t-spread Veronese algebras which are Gorenstein.