Seminario T. Grupos UAM-UCM-UC3M-ICMAT
4/2/20, 11:15, Aula Gris 2, ICMAT
Jan Boschheidgen (UAM)
Title: Extension of a residually finite group by a residually finite group is weakly sofic.
Abstract: Until know it is an open question whether all groups are sofic or not. There is hope
that a non sofic group can be constructed by the extension of a residual finite group
by a residual finite group. On the contrary an extension of an amenable group by a
sofic group is always sofic. In this talk I will present the proof of Lev Glebsky from
October 2019, that the extension of a residual finite group by a residual finite group
is weakly sofic. I will give as many details as time allows.
Localización 4/2/20, 11:15, Aula Gris 2, ICMAT