seminario de Teoría de Grupos
Jueves 18 Noviembre, 10:30 Aula Naranja
(ID: 842 7740 5494; Passcode: 677819)
J. Miquel Martinez (Universidad de Valencia)
Titulo: Degrees in blocks and defect groups
Abstract: Let G be a finite group and p a prime. A classical problem in character theory of finite group is to establish connections between global and local invariants. In the modular version of this problem, we try to make these connections between the Brauer p-blocks and their defect groups. In this talk, we discuss a recent question of Gabriel Navarro relating character degrees and the derived length of defect groups. The results shown are joint work with Eugenio Giannelli and Mandi Schaeffer Fry.
Localización Jueves 18 Noviembre, 10:30 Aula Naranja