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PIM (Pequeño Instituto de Matemáticas)Con el objetivo de fomentar el interés por las matemáticas y dirigido a jóvenes entre 14 y 18 años, nace este proyecto de Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT) en colaboración con nuestro Departamento, la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y la Real Sociedad Matemática Española. El proyecto comienzó en el curso académico 2022-2023. Ampliar información en su página web. |
Seminario Teoría de grupos
11:30 Aula Naranja ICMAT
Speaker: Ofir Schnabel (Ort Braude College)
Title: Group-graded algebras and the intrinsic fundamental group
Abstract: The intrinsic fundamental group of an algebra A is essentially the inverse limit of a diagram whose objects are groups which grade A in a connected way, and whose morphisms are group epimorphisms which correspond to quotient morphisms between these gradings. The computation of the intrinsic fundamental group consist of three steps:
1. Classify all the connected gradings of A up to equivalence of gradings.
2. Compute the quotient grading morphisms between the above grading classes.
These two steps yield a diagram of groups and homomorphisms.
3. To calculate the inverse limit of this diagram.
This is often the hardest of the above three challenges.
In this talk, we will focus on the intrinsic fundamental group of finite dimensional semisimple complex algebras and in particular matrix algebras and diagonal algebras. In these cases, the above diagram is always finite and the intrinsic fundamental group is its pullback.